Alexis and her sidekick, Nesta (check out her adventures on instagram - #nestatheglobetrotter)
Alexis Macnab, Culinary Nutrition Expert & Veggie Crusher
Animal lover and realist from the get-go, Alexis (the veggie crusher) ditched meat at a young age and continued on the path to a fully plant-based existence. Bored with vegan options, searching out nutrients and refusing to forfeit taste while eating gluten-free lead to a Culinary Nutrition Expert certification with the Academy of Culinary Nutrition in 2014. A couple of years later, kombucha brewing and the benefits of plant-based, lactofermented probiotics influenced some further studying via the ACN and their Fundamentals Of Fermentation course. Encouragement from friends and family lead to a booth in the Local Farmer’s Markets offering nutritionally-dense, whole-ingredient, healthy (and delicious) food. After years of working as front-of-house in the hospitality industry, Alexis finds it challenging and exciting to produce plant-based, wholesome, real food brimming with colourful flavour. A strong believer that you are what you eat, food is love and knowledge about the food you eat is power, Alexis strives to demonstrate that healthy eating is attainable, delicious and enjoyable to prepare if you have the right tools and create using the best ingredients and intentions.
Matthew Thompson, Chef & Fermentation Advocate
Always interested in food, the journey it takes from farm to table, and how it relates and nurtures each individual, Matthew (the foraging fermenter) knew from a young age that his hands were meant for creating delicious, aesthetically pleasing, handcrafted meals. After a variety of jobs in the food & beverage industry, Matthew studied Culinary Arts at George Brown College and graduated as a Red Seal Chef in 2001. Working his way across Canada in various 4-5 star restaurants, Matthew honed his skills as a chef (and shred some sic gnar) while holding down a variety of kitchen managerial positions before coming back to his hometown and joining forces with Alexis to elevate Raisin the Root and eventually open Nourished. Adamant that food is tastiest (and meals are best) when prepared with minimal manipulation and (always) all-natural ingredients, Matthew is the driving force behind our ever expanding fermentation-station, a diehard punk-rocker-nerd, a passionate home beer brewer, and an absolute pizza-crusher.